My Story

Hailing from the serene shoreline town of Madison, CT, I am a New Englander at heart. Post-high school graduation in the 1980s, my sense of adventure lured me westward. For six transformative years, I made my home amidst the sprawling deserts of Arizona, earning a B.S. degree from Arizona State University along the way. As I journeyed back east, I found myself navigating the twisting path toward my life's purpose.

My professional trajectory has been anything but linear, leading me to explore a multitude of careers. I delved into the art of audio engineering, immersing myself in the rhythmic pulse of a major Manhattan recording studio. An enlightening encounter with a knowledgeable South African man drew me into the intricate world of fine wines, a venture that found me peddling libations in his upscale store. Power transmission equipment was my next endeavor, selling it as a manufacturer's rep across the Northeast.

Publishing drew me next, joining Yankee Magazine's Community Partners Program, based in Dublin, NH. It was amidst the lush expanse of New Hampshire's Great North Woods that I discovered my love for the art of writing. Inspired by the remarkable people I met and the picturesque landscapes, I embarked on my journey to pen an engaging mystery novel set in New England. Despite this newfound passion, the allure of working with young people was too strong to ignore. My career trajectory shifted yet again, leading me back to school for a Master of Education degree. Over the past 24 years, I've dedicated myself to working as a special education teacher and learning specialist in NH public schools, all the while honing my craft as a storyteller.

In essence, I am a lifelong learner, perpetually seeking to understand more about the world that surrounds me. The creative process of writing and editing provides an outlet for my curiosity and creativity. I am thrilled to offer a glimpse into my fictional universe. My debut novel, The North Country Confessional, is currently available, and I'm diligently crafting my next book. Here's to an upward and onward journey into 2024 and beyond!